IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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How does the Qurbani sacrifice process take place in a few days in many parts of the world?

Our foundation carries out its Qurbani activities in 5 continents through representative offices abroad, partner organizations and teams that IHH sends from Turkey. These contacts take the roles of determining the people in need in the area, buying the Qurbans, sacrificing Qurbans, and distrubiting the meat of Qurbans to the families in need. After these preliminary preparations, IHH officials who will accompany the sacrifice of the Qurbans take wakalah from the sacrifice owners in the amount of Qurbans. Before the Eid, they go to the countries where the sacrifice will be performed, and with the partner organizations, they accompany the sacrifices of Qurbans right after the Eid prayer and they make distrubitons of the sacrifical meat, which lasts until the third day of the Eid.