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What is Nisab? How much is the Nisab amount?

The nisab is a measure of wealth set for acts of worship such as zakat, sadaqa al-fitr and sacrifice. Nisab can also be defined as the minimum measure of wealth. A person who has this amount of property in excess of his debts and basic needs is considered rich in religious terms. Such a person cannot receive zakat or sadaqah and is obliged to give sadaqah al-fitr and sacrifice. If this wealth, which is more than debts and basic needs, is surplus and one year has passed, zakat must be paid. The "nisab", the minimum limit of wealth, was determined by the Prophet. These minimum limits show the average standard of living and the measure of wealth of the Islamic society at that time. The amounts of nisab determined in the hadiths can be listed as follows: 80.18 gr. gold or its equivalent in money or trade goods; 40 sheep or goats, 30 cattle, 5 camels. It is clear that these goods used in determining the nisab were the most common means of wealth at that time. The determination of the nisab based on these goods was preserved in later periods when social and economic conditions did not change much.