IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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How does IHH determine the price of a qurban?

As you can guess, the price of qurbans varies in every part of the world. In some regions the prices can be lower than in Turkey, while in others the price can be higher. As we predict that qurban donations will increase in countries where the price is lower, and due to this there will be a reduction in qurban donations in places where the price is higher, IHH strategically obtains the prices of qurbans from different regions and calculates an average price. In the same way that determining a single price of all the regions will prevent concentrating on regions where the price is lower, this also gives us the opportunity to distribute the meat from the qurbans to all regions according to need. By using this method, we can send qurbans to many regions that, although are in urgent need, would not receive donations or limited donations because the prices are higher.